I'm giving my readers a preview of my new novel, Blood Orange, amzn.to/2v33Vjc
Here is a link to introduce you to sexy Sheriff McAlister and feisty Nora Hollister as they fight against the drug cartel invading the Florida orange groves they call home. amzn.to/2xcGoyz
You write the next big novel but no one is buying it. You're stumped with marketing your book. Where do you begin?
Even the big Traditional publishing houses do not do the marketing they used to years ago. You are on your own and it's a huge learning curve to figure out how to market you book. Most authors only like to write and don't want to be bothered with getting the word out about their book. I've said it before and will say it again. If readers don't know you exist they can not buy your book. You have to do a bit of marketing every day to let readers know about you and your book. Start with Social media. Most of us are on Facebook. Do you have an authors page. If not set one up. Here is where you will engage your readers and let them get to know you. You are not going to sell them your books. You will not say buy my wonderful book. What you are going to do is lead them to enjoy learning about who you are and what you are interested in. When you do have a promotion for your new book you will have built up a following and can now let them know you have this great book. Did you know that you can offer your kindle version for free for 5 days in a 3 month period? You're asking why in heaven's name would I want to give my book away for free? You will be paid by the Kindle Global fund for every page of your book that is read, that's why. How do I do this? go to your KDP dashboard and chose the book you want to promote. On the right click on promote. About halfway down you will see where you can have a kindle count down or offer your kindle for free. Choose Free and choose the dates you want to run the promotion. Split up those 5 days to 3 days one weekend and later 2 days. Do this in the beginning of the week so you are ready for Friday morning. Come Friday morning your are going to post your amazing free offer. Post it on your Facebook author page and then post where the readers. How do you find all these readers? in the Facebook search bar put kindle. You will get a drop down of places to post about your promotion. the same hold for Twitter. Go where the readers are. Of course this is the condensed version of a marketing plan but you can get the basic idea. If you have questions please leave a comment and also sign up for my Newsletter. My novel Honey Tree Farm - For the Love of the Beekeeper's Daughter amzn.to/2jh3v3y , won a bronze medal at the annual Florida Authors and Publishers Association conference in Orlando Florida on August 5th. A fellow author and I made the road trip and had a wonderful experience. We stayed over night and at breakfast the next morning we were delighted to have our pictures taken with some of the Disney Characters. I was shaking when I read the e-mail that I was a finalist. I'd never won such an honor before for one of my books. I have won awards from the National League of American Pen Women before for a couple of my books. But the FAPA is a big one. I would like to offer a free kindle in exchange for a review. Simply post your request with your email in the comments and I'll send you a gift receipt for one. I'll also offer a free kindle in exchange for a review of my book, Whispers in time - Book two in the Green Lady Inn series. amzn.to/2oBBxWW Reviews are so important to an author. My newest book Blood Orange was released last weekend. It's set in 1986 when the Columbian drug Cartel of Pablo Escobar used to drop their cocaine by plane into the Florida orange groves for pick up. amzn.to/2vJdG7t Please sign up for my new letter. If you read a book by an independent author do them a favor and give them a review on Amazon. You don't know how much we appreciate it. Any questions please leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you. |
AuthorFrom the active mind of Brenda M. Spalding Archives
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